Overall Objectives
Research Program
Software and Platforms
New Results
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Christian Fournier, Christophe Pradal, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin.

Other participants : Bruno Andrieu, Michael Chelle, Gaetan Louarn, Benoit de Solan, Mariem Abichou, Liqi Han, Elmer Ccopa-Rivera, Frederic Baret, Rafaele Casa, Youcef Mammeri, Didier Combes, Camille Chambon, Romain Barillot, Pierre Huynh, Jean-Christophe Soulie, Delphine Luquet.

The aim of this Action Ciblée Incitative of INRA is to constitute a consortium of modelers from INRA around the OpenAlea platform, and to integrate various ecophysiological models of simulation in OpenAlea (radiative transfer, interaction between plant and pest, circulation of hydric fluxes, and dispersion). The project includes 3 INRA teams and the Inria Virtual Plants project.

Different components have been integrated into the OpenAlea platform:

In 2012, a 3D model of gramineous leave has been developped and presented at the PMA conference [28] . This dynamic leaf model is used to simulate different species of annual plants such as rice, wheat and maïze.